Monday, October 7, 2013

Into the MOOC

Hello you all. Sorry I haven't been posting as much as I should have. Personal things going on and lethargy got the better of me. Quite the lazy metaliterate learner. Now what is a metaliterate learner you may ask? Now this goes back the my interpretation of metaliteracy and I'll side track a bit. Generally metaliteracy is any form of information that inquires you think and learn. Lately I have been going over some MOOC talks as a critical part of a course I'm taking. (A MOOC is a Massive Open Online Course, but more on that later you keep our minds drooling.) In the first MOOC talk, there were speakers introducing the concept of metaliteracy and how it differs from information literacy. Now to give you a taste of this talk I've incorporated an image from their Prezi presentation.

Are you getting the idea now? Are we becoming metaliterate learners? Now here's the tricky part. We can't be metaliterate learners without one crucial thing: collaboration.

Anyone can go and absorb information. There are actually many forms of literacy. This page lets you in on that:

But the point here is that a metaliterate learner is a participant of the information they are receiving. Contribution is key. These couple of diagrams, also taken from the MOOC talk gives a sense of this.

Read the outermost circle of words on both of them. See? At this stage we are only information literate. Only once we added a bit of our own thoughts into the pool of information can we truly be metaliterate.

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